Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

Klx bf 2015 sikspack edition

Sikspack identik dengan motif Bone alias skull sangar, bikin si pengendara serasa ghost Rider, asyeeek....

Sing penting motornya jangan di buat begal kancane yo... Hoho

Lansung di sambit

Joehansb Decal Graphic
Klx, d tracker, husqvarna, KTM, CRF, and more
Motor matic graphic
Material RITAMA plus anti gores glossy and doff
full custom design

Bisa tmbh nama dan nomor
Edit logo dan warna
Full custom

Call me
+62 85746808099
Pin bb  7F808072

Joehansboediman@gmail.com 085746808099 Pin bb 7F808072

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